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I can help build
your capacity to live life easier


Poor ESTEEM AND SElf acceptance


Negative Thoughts or confusion


Physical pain 



Do you experience any of the following?

My name is Maureen Flanagan.

For over 30 years I have worked in Education in regional and city centres. For the past 5 years I have been a student counsellor and a counsellor for teachers.

My move to the Surf Coast has given me the opportunity to begin a private counselling practice based in Geelong and Anglesea to support those experiencing anxiety, depression, grief or overwhelmed.

About me.
About my approach. 

I am here to help you build your capacity to cope with all of life

'I’m exhausted’ 
‘I’m not enough’
'I can’t take anymore’ 
‘My plate is full'
'I feel like I'm falling apart'
 ‘There’s not enough time’

How I work with you

I work with people who say:

Healing capacity in a teacher's nervous system has three important consequences.
Firstly for yourself: You will have more energy, clarity of thought, creativity and curiousity...
Secondly, as the teacher:  Reducing feelings of burnout allows you to participate more fully in all the roles that a teacher undertakes each day.
Thirdly, for the student: Students need a teacher's regulated nervous system to help regulate their own. When a teacher's nervous system is regulated it is more likely anxious, hyperactive, angry, sad or withdrawn students will become settled and engaged in their learning.


Children are at an age when they are developing their sense of self and ways of relating with others. Their developing nervous system can often be dysregulated if they find learning difficult, have trouble making friends or fitting into the family. Their nervous system can also become dysregulated if the child experiences shock or trauma.
I help the child to feel a sense of internal safety and safety in the external world. I use visuals to teach children about their nervous system, help them to recognise their own body sensations and teach them strategies to help regulate their emotions. My way of working with children enables them to have life long knowledge to recognise the changes in their nervous system and strategies to help regulate it.


Research is showing that 80% of  presentations to physicians are for  social/emotional issues.  Emotions can be considered as e-motion - energy in motion.  I help you to understand your nervous system that creates this energy. I teach you to use specific strategies for your unique nervous system. I assist you in repairing feelings of confusion, helplessness, agitation, loneliness etc, so that you can be more present, grounded and alive in your world.
I have a particular interest in supporting parents or the primary caregiver because of the key role they have in the family. If the parent's emotional needs are addressed and met, they will feel more grounded and present.  This calmer state of the parent's own nervous system will support individual members within their family to also be calmer.
Often parents come to me concerned for their child’s behaviour. I find when I work with the parent, I am helping the child.

Adults and

My clients.

Read more

"I started seeing Maureen Flanagan while I was going through a tough time. I was feeling overwhelmed, anxious and depressed. I knew that I did not have the tools to manage my feelings that were escalating to the point where they were affecting all aspects of my life.
I knew I needed help when I just didn’t feel like ‘me’ anymore and I just wanted to feel happy again.

Maureen really cared and was dedicated to helping me improve my life.

Maureen was non-judgemental, understanding, patient and confidential and she gave me useful tips on how to better manage my thinking which has helped me to feel happy, calm and confident again.

I am so glad that I reached out for help. From the bottom of my heart... thank you Maureen."

Love notes