I believe each of us has been given abundant capacity to enjoy life. Each of us has unlimited access to Freedom, Grace and Ease. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s what life deals us and how our body responds to life, that makes us defensive or shutdown to the best of what life offers.

In times when life just feels so overwhelming, we may begin to notice physical discomfort, clouded or black and white thinking, aggressive or submissive behaviour and emotional dysregulation. No wonder relationships, creativity, curiosity and health suffer when we feel overwhelmed.

I am here to help you regain your capacity to enjoy life, regain your autonomy and for you to find peace within.

The best news about the way I work is that you don’t need to talk too much if you don’t want to. I listen to your body and even though it doesn’t use words, it communicates so much about your physical, emotional and psychological state. I teach you to listen to your own body and use strategies that improve your mental, physical and emotional capacity to hold more of life- the good as well as the challenges.

So whether you are seeking one or two sessions or assistance with more complex issues, I look forward to meeting you or someone you care about.

My philosophy

I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. This 3 year training, works with how trauma is held within the body and how this informs our everyday decisions.

Somatic Experiencing was developed by Dr Peter Levine. Dr Levine was curious to know why mammals in the wild did not suffer from anxiety, unhealthy aggression, depression etc given they were under constant threat. He concluded that mammals were able to release excess energy when the threat had passed and complete defence responses allowing the mammal to return to homeostasis.

Many humans, in contrast, hold onto this excess energy created in stressful times, resulting in either high or low energy states which negatively impacts our emotions, body sensations, thoughts and behaviours. Most problematic about our bodies holding stress is that it diminishes our sense of self and our relationships.
For more on Somatic Experiencing
visit: www.somaticexperiencing.com

I help you build the capacity of your container- your body, so you can make peace with your past, live a full life in the present moment and look forward to the future.

How I work with you

Somatic Experiencing  ®

"Words can not express our gratitude to Maureen. She was always ready to listen, understand and go above and beyond to help. She was always caring and there for us. My family really appreciated the assistance Maureen gave us."

 Mother on behalf of her children.

Love notes

 Healing capacity in your body,
helps your mind to think clearly,
your energy levels improve,
your hurts to soften
and for you to regain choice
in your life.

Great news,