and help prevent stress and burnout...

How I work with teachers and schools 

I have walked in your shoes

As an experienced teacher I know what it’s like to feel burnout from the demands of teaching. Burnout has negative consequences for one's personal life and one's ability to give 100% to teaching.

Having also been a student counsellor, I am aware of the challenges students face with belonging, school work and self-acceptance.  

Read about Maureen here

Understanding one's own nervous system will help teachers avoid burnout. It will also give them greater insights into how to attune to a  student's nervous systems to improve their learning, behaviour and wellbeing.
I believe an understanding of the nervous system is the key to unlocking the highest potential for all.

I offer workshops about the nervous system designed to suit the needs of the following:
  • individual teacher
  • professional learning communities
  • whole school staff
  • student groups
  • parent groups.

First stop. Understanding the Nervous System

  1. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), the Triune Brain and Porge's PolyVagal Theory.
  2. How the Autonomic Nervous system impacts learning, behaviour and relationships.
  3. Tracking the ANS to improve empathy and regulation.
  4. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), attachment styles, trauma and the ANS.
  5. How to read body cues to attune to emotional and behavioural states such as anxiety, shame, hyperactivity, unworthiness, procrastination etc
  6. Knowing one’s own unique ANS and one's window of tolerance.
  7. The role co-regulation between teacher/carer and student plays in helping students self-regulate and improve behaviour.
  8. Strategies to support co/self regulation for improved behaviour, social interaction and learning.
  9. How to choose strategies from the plethora of strategies available, that best support a student’s unique ANS when developing Individualised Learning Plans/Personal Learning Plans.

My presentations include:

Email me For more information here

Professional development for staff often focusses on improving knowledge and pedagogy in particular curriculum areas to improve learning outcomes for students. Whilst this pd is valuable, research has shown for students with dysregulated nervous systems their IQ levels can decrease by 40 points, impeding a child's ability to learn new skills and establish healthy relationships.

It stands to reason that to improve learning for all students, teachers need to be informed about the nervous system. It is the key to understanding why a student's brain is not always available for optimum learning, forming healthy relationships and having positive self-esteem.

Teachers not only need to be informed about the nervous system, they need to be attuned to their own nervous system and each of their students for growth to occur.

Contact me to speak further about how I can support your school, your staff, parents and students with presentations and workshops about the nervous system for learning and wellbeing.

I want to help teachers to understand that students who have difficulty with learning, making friends or appropriate behaviour may have a dysregulated nervous system.

Building capacity in a student's nervous system improves their learning, friendships and self-esteem.  

I have attended many of Maureen's staff and community presentations on the nervous system and the importance of noticing the body's response to triggers and or trauma.

I valued how she gave the staff and myself new insights into understanding student's anxiety, depression, relationship issues and disengagement through the lense of the nervous system. The strategies that Maureen shared were able to be applied with students who were dysregulated or disengaged. Some of the staff at our school had Maureen work with them on a personal level whilst other staff had her offer interventions for individual students on ILPs.

Maureen presented to our parent community on more than one occasion assisting parents in understanding how the nervous system can support challenges of being a parent. The presentations were full of useful strategies and were engaging-enabling parents to use these tools immediately. 

I found Maureen's knowledge and advice was invaluable in supporting the students and staff at our school as well as our parent community
                                  Georgia McNamara,
Student Wellbeing Leader,
St James Brighton

Note from the teacher